Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

Traumatic phacocele A Rare Case Report

Dr. Rashmi Kumari, Dr. Bhawesh Chandra Saha, Dr Bibhuti Prasanna Sinha, Dr. Santosh Kumar

Abstract :

 Blunt trauma can result in indirect scleral rupture withsubsequent dislocation of the crystalline lens in the subconjunctival or subtenon space.  There are evidences that timely and effective intervention can ensure good visual recovery. Blunt trauma has protean ocular manifestations with phacocele being a rare event, resulting from indirect scleral rupture of the globe. The eye has been described to behave like an incompressible sphere because of its liquid contents.1 Hence, blunt trauma of sufficient magnitude can result in rupture of the eyeball either at the site of impact (direct) or in a remote area (indirect). This indirect rupture of sclera leads to dislocation of the crystalline lens into the subconjunctival or subtenon space. We report a patient with traumatic phacocele with an aim to evaluate the clinical presentation, management and visual outcome.

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Dr. Rashmi kumari, Dr. Bhawesh Chandra Saha, Dr Bibhuti Prasanna Sinha, Dr.Santosh kumar, Traumatic phacocele A Rare Case Report, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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