Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Transition in Human Resource for Health: Challenges Ahead

Dr. Pawan Kumar, Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan

Abstract :

Health care system in India is under transition. In the first phase (1947-1983) 100% government personnel’s were involved in public health care delivery system. In second phase (1983-2000), initiation of private partners started in family planning services in limited numbers. 1991 onwards thrust was, not to fill up the vacant posts after retirement. Such types of arrangement have resulted in chronic shortage of human resource at all level. WHO (2006) reported that there is a shortage of health workers with an uneven distribution in India. The Scientific status of contractual model as evident from review of literature revealed that it needs serious re-introspection of policies about the implications on quality of health services. Issues like job security, career development, motivation, commitment for the organization, which play vital role, are not understood properly under new structural changes in health system.

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Dr. Pawan Kumar, Dr. Abdul Majeed Khan Transition in Human Resource for Health: Challenges Ahead International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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