Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Transformer Failure Rate Prediction Based on Condition Assessment

M. Ahfaz Khan, Dr. A. K. Sharma

Abstract :

Past few years several electric power companies takes a lot attention in the risk assessment transformer becose average age of the transformer is increasing and large system outages caused by transformer failures. In day to day rising operating stresses from larger loads and increased bulk power transmission increase transformer failures speed. This “transformer failures” phenomenon has been difficult to estimate, as the effects of operating conditions on a transformer vary according to its family, make, model, age, and application. On the other hand, a transformer that is older than the original manufacturer’s normal life estimate may be in good condition physically and can last for decades more. It is essential therefore to understand completely the condition of a fleet of transformers and to predict their failure rate to keep away from unplanned outages and catastrophic failure

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M. Ahfaz Khan,Dr. A. K. Sharma Transformer Failure Rate Prediction Based on Condition Assessment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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