Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Transfer of Technology and The Dynamics Involved in Adoption of Innovation

Jaisridhar. P, S. Sangeetha

Abstract :

Since last decade, we have seen many new developments in innovation studies. Discussions do no longer centre around \'adoption and diffusion of innovations\'. New themes include the co evolution of social and technical developments, and the survival of different innovation initiatives that are competing with each other and with an ‘external’ selection environment. It will be argued that we need to oaden considerably our view on the types of intermediation and facilitation that an innovation process includes and requires. Special attention will be given to the implications this has for the role of communicative intervention (including extension) in supporting development and agricultural innovation. Another gap is the fact that “innovation” itself is promoted rather than its embeddedness within a system that in turn operates within certain institutional and policy contexts. Even though there is consensus on the importance of innovation for economic development, the systemic mechanism through which it can be enhanced is not given equal attention. These and other grey areas limit the promotion of innovation system, and in a worst case raises suspicion on its value addition for research and development. Therefore, this paper, attempts to shed some light on dynamic consideration of building innovation capacity, enhancing use of knowledge, creating social and economic change, and propose ways to get innovation system approach work better in agriculture and rural development.

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Jaisridhar. P,S. Sangeetha Transfer of Technology and The Dynamics Involved in Adoption of Innovation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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