Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Transfer of Improved Technology of Soybean Production through Frontline Demonstrations in Vertisols of Central India.

Dr. D. S. Tomar, Dr Arvind Saxena, Dr S. K. Kaushik, Dr A. K. Dixit, Dr K. V. Singh

Abstract :

Front line demonstrations (FLDs) were conducted in different ecological regions in the in Ujjain district of Malwa agro climatic zone of central India having predominantly vertisols with soybean–wheat /gram cropping sequence to transfer the most viable technologies on improved technologies to the soybean growers. With in a span of 5 years (2004–05 to 2008–09) a total of 64 demonstrations were laid to educate the farmers through live field demonstrations. The results indicated that, on an average the highest yield achieved by adopting improved technologies was 2712 kg ha–1 whereas the corresponding yield range under farmers practice was 861 kg ha–1 to 1725 kg ha–1 . Adoption of improved technologies also resulted in better utilization of the natural resource as reflected in terms of WUE and the applied nutrients in terms of factor productivity and correspondingly on the profitability on per rupee invested.

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Dr.D.S. Tomar, Dr Arvind Saxena, Dr S. K. Kaushik, Dr A. K. Dixit, Dr K. V. Singh Transfer of Improved Technology of Soybean Production through Frontline Demonstrations in Vertisols of Central India. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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