Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Trace Analysis of Co (II) in Biological and Environmental Samples using Catalytic hydrogen currents at DME

Dr. N. Saritha

Abstract :

A Catalytic Polarographic method for the determination of Co (II) in trace levels is developed based on the Catalytic currents of Co (II) – amine complexes. The Co(II) – amine complex produces a Catalytic hydrogen wave at peak potential 1.02V VS SCE with n– butyl amine in sodium acetate medium and the current is proportional to Co(II) in the range 1 to 8 ppm. The proposed method is free from interference of many metal ions except Mo (VI). Further, it is simple, sensitive and rapid and is applied for the determination of agricultural products and water samples. The method is first of its kind in the polarographic Analysis.

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Dr. N. Saritha Trace Analysis of Co (II) in Biological and Environmental Samples using Catalytic hydrogen currents at DME International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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