Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Tooth Brushing Behaviour And Dental Abrasion Among The Diamond Workers Of Bapunagar Area, East Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Dr. Chirag Vaghasiya, Dr. Bela Dave, Dr. Khyati Barot, Dr. Jinal Patel

Abstract :

Aim:To Assess Tooth Brushing Behaviour And Dental  Aasion Among The  Diamond Workers  Of Bapunagar Area ,East  Ahmedabad , Gujarat.


Materials and methods: Four  Hundred patients [ 126 female and 274 male ] who hada cervical aasion was examined.Information on patient age , gender , frequency and technique of ushing , type of tooth ush and which hand to use for ushing , frequency to change a ush was obtained. Data was  analysed statistically.

Results :The study revealed a statistically significant relationship between aasion  and age groups as well as genders. Statistically significant difference wasfound between aasions and tooth ushing method and which hand use for ushing and type of tooth ush.


Conclusion :The prevalence was higher among males as compared to females. The prevalence of lesions was higher in older age group. The horizontal tooth ushing technique and hard tooth ush   was significantly associated with the occurrence of cervical lesion .diamond workers who was used right hand for tooth ushing and aasion was common in a left side and vice versa.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Chirag Vaghasiya, Dr.Bela Dave, Dr.Khyati Barot, Dr. Jinal Patel, Tooth Brushing Behaviour And Dental Abrasion Among The Diamond Workers Of Bapunagar Area, East Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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