Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

To Study the Relationship Between Gender & Banking Preferences of Management Graduates at Ibmrd, Ahmednagar

Rajendrasingh Pardeshi, Gadekar Vithal Laxman

Abstract :

Banking services is a basic need for customers now days. Money deposit, money withdrawal, Net banking, Money transfer, Demand draft, cheques are some of the common services required by the customers in routine life. It is interesting to see in a country like India, if there are significant differences between Preferences of Male & female customers (Gender bias). In this paper, we have tried to find whether there is a difference between banking preferences of Male & Female management graduate of IBMRD, Ahmednagar. For this a survey is conducted among management graduates of IBMRD, Ahmednagar. Chi square statistical technique is used to study the same. Study reveals that there is a difference between the preferences of Male &female management graduates. It shows gender difference in Selection of banking services.

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Rajendrasingh Pardeshi, Gadekar Vithal Laxman To Study the Relationship Between Gender & Banking Preferences of Management Graduates at Ibmrd, Ahmednagar International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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