Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

To study the clinical profile of pelvic malignancies and its impact on quality of life

Dr Narayan Jeet Singh, Dr Yogesh Kumar Dhand, Dr Madhu Lata Rana

Abstract :

 Aims and objective–To study the clinical profile of pelvic malignancies and its impact on quality of life. Material and Methods– Study was conducted in the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecology ,Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Swami Ram Nagar, Dehradun, over a period of 12 months prospective . INCLUSION CRITERIA: – 1)         The patients with primary malignancy of pelvic organs attending      Department of  Medicine , Surgery and Gynecology. 2)         Patients with histo–pathogical or cytological confirmation of malignancy EXCLUSION CRITERIA 1)         Patients with secondaries to the pelvis. 2)         Patients with bone and soft tissue malignancy 3)         Patients with extra pelvic urogenital malignancy Written informed consent was taken before including the study. METHODS All the patients were subjected to detailed history and clinical examination .Relevant investigations for the confirmation of diagnosis and staging was done. Quality of life assessment of the subjects was done. Quality of life score was recorded as per EORTC QLQ–C30 Version 3.0 (European organization for research into the treatment of cancer). The questionnaire scales and items covered– 1)         Functional scales 2)         Symptom scales/ items 3)      Global health status  EORTC QLQ–C30 Version 3.0 Version 3.0 of the QLQ–C30 differs from version 2.0 in that it has point scales for the first five items (QLQ–C30 (V3)) these are coded with the same response categories as items 6 to 28 namely “Not At All”, “A Little”,  “quite a Bit” and “Very much”. To allow for these categories question 4 has been re–worded as “Do you have to stay in a bed or a chair during the day?”. Version 3.0 has been tested in EORTC field studies. Version 3.0 is currently the standard version of the QLQ–C30, and was used for all new studies, various modules have been developed by the EORTC for standing quality of life in various cancer.,Conclusion– We studied 85 cases of pelvic malignancies and Quality of life was accessed in them. After pre and post treatment, we found that maximum adverse effect was seen in patients of ovarian carcinoma. They were having poor Functional scale high Symptom scale and poor quality of life.  Otherwise ,quality of life was better in post treatment patients.

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Dr Narayan Jeet Singh, Dr Yogesh Kumar Dhand, Dr Madhu Lata Rana, To study the clinical profile of pelvic malignancies and its impact on quality of life, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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