Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

To Study Service Quality of Top Public & Private Sector Banks in India

Richa Pandit, Dr. Ram Kumar Balyan

Abstract :

 Indian Banking Sector has undergone tremendous changes after the independence. Various reforms have taken place in the sector. Service quality, therefore, has become a critical prerequisite for satisfying and retaining valued customers in banks. The interest is largely driven by the realization that high service quality results in customer satisfaction and loyalty with the product or service, greater willingness to recommend someone else, reduction in complaints and improved customer retention. 200 Respondents of the four city – Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Baroda and Surat were surveyed for SBI and ICICI separately with the use of structured questionnaire. This paper proposed a model of service quality for SBI and ICICI.

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Richa Pandit, Dr. Ram Kumar Balyan To Study Service Quality of Top Public & Private Sector Banks in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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