Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

To study encephalocele in a tribal set up:Case series

Dr. Anjali M. Chitale, Dr. Abhang Satshil Chandrakant, Dr. Aditya Manekar, Dr. Sanam S. Somani, Dr. Agraj Mishra, Dr. Shabib Khan, Dr. Tabish Rayee, Dr. Robin Gauhar, Dr. Nirav Patel

Abstract :


             Encephaloceles is commonest neural tube defect.The neural tube is a narrow channel in the developing fetus that allows the ain & spinal cord to develop.The neural tube folds & closes early during pregnancy(third or fourth week)to complete the formation of ain & spinal cord. A neural tube defect occurs when the neural tube does not close completely,which can occur anywhere along the head, neck,spine.Encephalocele is protrusion of cranial contents beyond the normal confines of the skull through defect in the calvarium.Protruding tissue may be located on any part of head,but most often affects the back of skull(occipital area).

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Anjali M. Chitale, Dr.Abhang Satshil Chandrakant, Dr.Aditya Manekar, Dr.Sanam S. Somani, Dr.Agraj Mishra, Dr.Shabib Khan, Dr.Tabish Rayee, Dr.Robin Gauhar, Dr.Nirav Patel, To study encephalocele in a tribal set up:Case series, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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