Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015
To investigate Dielectric relaxation time by Absorption of Microwave and NMR Spin Lattice Relaxation time for Mixtures of Aldehydes and Ketones
Om Kant, Dr. S. K. Vaish
Abstract :
<p>The molecular rotations and group orientations studied by Dielectric relaxation times (&tau;) through Microwave Absorption Technique and NMR Spin Lattice Relaxation Times (T1) values through inversion recovery method 180&deg;&ndash;&tau;&ndash; 90&deg; pulse sequence are investigated of dilute solutions of mixtures. Mixtures are carried three Hetero&ndash; atomic Aldehydes (&ndash;CHO) and Ketones (&ndash;CO&ndash;) polar solutes namely Formaldehyde (HCHO), Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHO) &amp; Acetone (CH3COCH3) at various concentration ratios [1:2:3, 2:3:1 and 3:1:2] and studied at ascending temperatures [35&deg;, 40&deg; and 45&deg;C] in non&ndash; polar solvent of Benzene. The quantitative information such as steric hindrance, Dielectric relaxation times and nmr Spin Lattice Relaxation Times explored the characters of molecular motions in the non polar liquid. On the basis of the experimental observations it is noticed that the variation in the Dielectric relaxation times (&tau;) and NMR Spin Lattice Relaxation Times (T1) values are associated with the contribution amount of Benzaldehyde solute in the mixtures.</p>
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Om Kant, S. K. Vaish To investigate Dielectric Relaxation Time by Absorption of Microwave and NMR Spin Lattice Relaxation Time for Mixtures of Aldehydes and Ketones International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015
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Om Kant, S. K. Vaish To investigate Dielectric Relaxation Time by Absorption of Microwave and NMR Spin Lattice Relaxation Time for Mixtures of Aldehydes and Ketones International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015
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