Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

To assess the relationship of ovarian response to stimulation after clomiphene citrate with markers of ovarian reserve.

Dr. Shachi Shukla

Abstract :

 Objective: – To assess the relationship of ovarian response to stimulation after clomiphene citrate (100mg) with hormonal and ultrasonographic markers of ovarian reserve among women with primary infertility aged >35yrs and to find out best predictor of ovulation after induction with clomiphene. Methodology: Fifty women with primary infertility of age >35 years having regular monthly cycles and no history of ovarian surgery were included in this cross–sectional study conducted from December 2010 until July 2011 in SMS Medical College. A transvaginal ultrasound to find out ovarian volume and antral follicles (AFC) and; blood tests for serum Follicle Stimulating Hormone (s.FSH) & serum. AntiMullerian Hormone (s.AMH) were carried out between the third and fifth day of their menstrual cycle. From day 3–7 of the cycle patient were given clomiphene citrate (100mg) and periodic Transvaginal ultrasound scan was done every alternate day from day 9–14 to find out whether ovulation occurs or not after stimulation. Results: This study shows highly significant association of markers of ovarian reserve viz.s.FSH, s.AMH, antral follicle count, ovarian volume and ovarian blood flow; with ovulation after clomiphene citrate. Conclusion: Patients with normal FSH, AMH, ovarian volume, antral follicle count and ovarian blood flow have higher chances of ovulation after stimulation with clomiphene citrate. Of all the markers of ovarian reserve ovarian blood flow is the best predictor of ovulation after induction

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Dr.Shachi Shukla To assess the relationship of ovarian response to stimulation after clomiphene citrate with markers of ovarian reserve. International Journal of Scientific Research,Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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