Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2019

To Assess the Knowledge regarding Varicose Veins among Construction Workers.

Mr. Hemant Nakade, Ms. Apeksha Dhore, Mr. Sudhanshu Wasnik, Ms. Snehal Gaikwad, Mr. Gaurav Nandeshwar, Ms. Shalini Moon

Abstract :

Background:– Varicose veins are swollen, twisted and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal collection of blood. The definition of varicose vein is veins with incompetent valves that are enlarged tortuous and thickened. An estimated 10–20% of the general population has varicose veins. Varicose veins are caused by the development of weak or faulty valves inside veins.Objective: 1–To assess the knowledge regarding varicose vein among Construction Workers.2–To find out the association of knowledge scores with the selected demographic variables. Materials and methods: Survey approach is used in this study .Descriptive study design was used in the present study. The study was conducted at rural and urban area in Wardha. 50construction worker selected for study. Result: The result shows that (5%) had poor level of knowledge,(4%) were having average level of knowledge and (38%) were having good level of knowledge score and (58%) were having very good level of knowledge and (0%) were having excellent knowledge level. The minimum score was 5 and the maximum score was 15 , the mean score for the test was 10.58± 2.548 and mean percentage of knowledge was 10.58.Conclusion: Study finding shows that the construction workers had low level of knowlegde regarding varicose vein and need to planned interventional study to improve their knowledge.

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TO ASSESS THE KNOWLEDGE REGARDING VARICOSE VEINS AMONG CONSTRUCTION WORKERS., Mr. Hemant Nakade, Ms. Apeksha Dhore, Mr. Sudhanshu Wasnik, Ms. Snehal Gaikwad, Mr. Gaurav Nandeshwar, Ms. Shalini Moon INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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