Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Tibetan Self Immolation And Suicide–Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Tshering Doma

Abstract :

Like a suicidal attack, an act of self–immolation involves an individual intentionally  killing himself or herself (or at least gambling with death) on behalf of a collective cause. According to Durkhiem suicide results from over integration and excessive regulation between individual and society.Altruistic suicide is that form of suicide where there is over integration of the individual with his social group and strong community– bound consciousness which propels one to sacrifice for the benefit of others and this is one of the major reason for self immolation to take place not only in Tibet but in other regions of the world inhabited by Tibetan refugees. Fatalistic suicide refers to excessive regulation, when the futures is pitilessly blocked and passions violently choked by oppressive discipline .This is clearly depicted among the Tibetan prisoners who are excessively regulated by the Chinese authorities.

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Tshering Doma Tibetan Self Immolation And Suicide -Two Sides Of The Same Coin International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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