Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

The Use of Mobile Phone Among Farmers for Agriculture Development

Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, Md Salleh Hassan

Abstract :

Mobile phone usage in third world countries is playing a vital role for the enhancement of farmers business towards agriculture. Recently, communication through mobile phones is considered very important in enhancing farmers’ access to better understand agricultural market situation. Farming communities appreciate mobile phone as easy, fast and convenient way to communicate and get prompt answers of respective problems. Nowadays, the mobile phone has generated an opportunity for the farmers especially to get the information about marketing and weather. Through this important technology, they directly keep in touch with market personals and offer their produce with reasonable prices. The use of mobile phone also keep them aware for weather forecast for agriculture input application like fertilizer and pesticides which might be affected by un fore seen disasters as communicated by metrological department. This device has given new direction and approach to farmers to communicate directly and share about recent advances with each other. The studies showed that mobile phones have saved energy and time of farmers and ultimately improved their income. Mobile phones have provided an opportunity to the farmers to communicate directly with market okers and customers for sell their product in good price.

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Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, Md Salleh Hassan The Use of Mobile Phone Among Farmers for Agriculture Development International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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