Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

The Uniqueness of Admiralty and Maritime Law: Concepts and Cases

Dr. D. Rajasekar

Abstract :

Admiralty and maritime law has a significant element of internationality. It takes meaningful form not only in national laws but also as a body of principles largely common to shipping and trading nations. Admiralty law there are some unique concepts such as admiralty jurisdiction, charter parties, demurrage, dispatch, bill of lading etc. Admiralty jurisdiction generally refers to the authority of a nation to hear certain types of cases arising from actions that occur on the high seas or other navigable waters. The jurisdiction might also extend to contract disputes that relate to maritime law, such as contracts concerning payment of wages to seamen, transportation of persons or cargo, maritime liens.

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Dr.D.Rajasekar The Uniqueness of Admiralty and Maritime Law: Concepts and Cases International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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