Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

The Trends of Fresh Frozen Plasma Usage in Adults at a Tertiary Care Hospital with an Insight into Transfusion Guidelines

Dr. Swati Garg, Dr. Shashikala P. , Dr. Sonam S. Nandyal

Abstract :

Aim: The aim of this study is to look into the trends of Fresh Frozen Plasma(FFP) usage with an insight into various guidelines. Material and Methods: Blood Bank records of FFP usage in adults admitted in our tertiary hospital were retrospectively reviewed for one year. It was analysed for usage of FFP in various departments and evaluated for appropriateness of usage based on various criterias. The guidelines published by College of American Pathologists(CAP), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Australasian Society for Blood Transfusion (ASBT) were used as standards. Results: A total of 1682 units of FFP were issued for 377 adult patients in one year study which included 248 (65.5 % ) males and 129 (34.5 %) females with a mean age of 51 years. The most predominant usage of FFP was seen in Medicine Intensive Care Unit followed by Surgery Intensive Care Unit. Conclusion: This study highlights the non adherance to guidelines among clinicians.

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Dr. Swati Garg, Dr. Shashikala P., Dr. Sonam S. Nandyal The Trends of Fresh Frozen Plasma Usage in Adults at a Tertiary Care Hospital with an Insight into Transfusion Guidelines International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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