Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

The Study of Relative Potency of First Generation and Second Generation Antihistamines on Contraction of Atropinised Isolated Guinea Pig Ileum

B. Kavitha, Manikanta. M, Shailaza Shreshta, Rahul Rai

Abstract :

Objectives: 1.To study the effect of Histamine (standard drug) & test drugs i.e. 1st generation antihistamine (Pheniramine) 2nd generation antihistamine (cetirizine) in graded doses on isolated guinea pig ileum. 2. Comparison of the potency of both 1st & 2nd generation antihistamines. Materials & methods: Drugs: Histamine, Pheniraminemaleate & Cetirizine Tyrode solution, Kymograph , Dales organ bath, Frontal writing lever. Four ileal tissues from each of 3 guinea pigs were used for the study. Out of 12 ileum preparations, 6 were used for Pheniramine maleate &6 for Cetirizine. After taking DRC with histamine till saturation, followed by DRC with anti histamine by adding antihistamine to the inner organ bath in incremental doses along with sub maximal dose of Histamine. Then IC50 values were calculated for 12tissues by graphical method and mean values were compared. Statistical analysis: was done using student’s unpaired t-test for compå IC50 values of Pheniramine maleate & Cetirizine.

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B. KAVITHA, MANIKANTA. M, SHAILAZA SHRESHTA, RAHUL RAI The Study of Relative Potency of First Generation and Second Generation Antihistamines on Contraction of Atropinised Isolated Guinea Pig Ileum International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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