Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

The Role of Audio Visual Aids in Teaching and Learning English Language

P. C. Viswanath, Maheswara Rao. Ch

Abstract :

 Language teaching and learning is a complex processes. To make all the complexities of teaching and learning processes easier, well–advanced teaching aids are the need of the hour. The monotony of learning process can be avoided by the effective utilization of audio–visual aids. The present paper focuses on the role of different audio–visual aids in assisting trainer as well as learner in learning a foreign language and also it explains the importance of traditional aids as well as the most advanced aids in teaching leaning process.

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P. C. VISWANATH, MAHESWARA RAO.CH The Role of Audio Visual Aids in Teaching and Learning English Language International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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