Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

The Retrospective Image of Vine Distribution on the Back–ground of Samtskhe–Javakheti

Dali Nikolaishvili, Davit Sartania, Avtandil Ujmajuridze

Abstract :

 Study of certain issues of natural management is quite significant for many reasons. In this point of view it‘s very important to learn about the traditional knowledge and experience, which enabled the population having economic profit in the past and the effective use of which is also possible nowadays. This would lead to sustainable ecologic development. In the past, in Samtskhe–Javakheti viticulture was a dominant anch together with wheat farming and fruit growing in agriculture. However, due to the historical processes viticulture nearly died out here. Investigations showed that here vine mainly grew together with fruit in artificial terraces with stone walls. The terraces were arranged in the gorges of the river Mtkvari and its numerous tribu–taries, since vine required irrigating due to the local climatic conditions. For the research numerous sources have been used – historical, toponymic, ampelographic, cartographic, the analyses of which determined that in the past vine covered comparably more area on the territory of Samtskhe–Javakheti, especially Samtskhe. The study is also based on field investigations, during which by means of observations and inquiries we collected useful information. We determined that nowadays only fragments of the terrace viticulture have survived here and its restora–tion is possible.

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Dali Nikolaishvili, Davit Sartania, Avtandil Ujmajuridze The Retrospective Image of Vine Distribution on the Back–ground of Samtskhe–Javakheti International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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