Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

The Psychology of Entrepreneurship

Yarlagadda Tiru Sameer

Abstract :

  For the last fifty years, history has seen a change that was not happened in any point of time before. The facts that how folks are affected and through what sort of characteristics individuals try to handle the situation has been a multi–dimensional issue and was studied thoroughly. Understanding interpersonal relationship systems that are based on fluctuation and competition was targeted and studies were carried out to determine what characteristics that individuals had in order to survive in this time. For over thirty years, the role of entrepreneurship in dealing with competition has drawn researchers’ extensive interest. In spite of this, the concept of entrepreneurship hasn’t had an operational definition that everyone agrees on because it is multi–dimensional and it is affected by so many variables. Although entrepreneurship is mostly related with the fields of administration, management and economy, in fact it is an interdisciplinary subject. Entrepreneurship and enterprise as being a oad subject and conceptual field was studied within the field of psychology, at least at the beginning, more than the fields of economy, administration and management. The studies of psychology over entrepreneurship have played an important role for a detailed consideration of the concept and in giving the concept the vast meaning that is used now. These studies stated that entrepreneurial ability of individual is connected with societies’ perception of success and to what extent individuals are affected by this perception

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Yarlagadda Tiru Sameer The Psychology of Entrepreneurship International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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