Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

The Problems of Public Sector banking in India

Satish Uplaonkar

Abstract :

Institutional credit support plays a catalytic role in accelerating the pace of economic development of a country. In the context of developing economy of India, bank finance plays a crucial role in pushing the agricultural economy on to the progressive pathway and helping develop rural India. Indian banking, appreciably, over the years, has emerged from being a purveyor of credit to be an engine of economic development. A historic review of the State Bank of India, a giant among the public sector commercial banks, and the subsequently in nationalized commercial banks, reveals the emerging promising trends in the deposit mobilization, deployment of credit with developmental dimension added to it, prioritization of sect oral financing and social responsibility assumed by the banks. Along with promising trends in the progressive march of the public sector banks, certain disturbing trends are notice. Hence, the vital importance of making an in–depth study of the changing trends & problems of the Indian public sector commercial banks so that policy sector commercial banks can be made for enabling them play a more effective developmental role in the context of resuscitate national economy of India.

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Satish Uplaonkar The Problems of Public Sector Banking In India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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