Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015

The Problem of Job Attrition : An HRD Challenge

Dr. Anuradha Saxena

Abstract :

HRD has been an important area for investigation as Human Resource Development is directly linked with the progress of the nation. Of lately Attrition has become number one challenge for HRD. This paper tries to delves and investigate the reasons for Attrition and how can the talent be retained. To understand it is a HRD challenge which can be understood by a case study at Modi Xerox. Finally ‘Innovation in any HR practice comes through two methods one you see what is happening in your neighbourhood and you want to adopt the same policy and secondly sometimes the organizations evolve themselves. So therefore the final ROI is not the money; but it is the kind of legacy you are creating.‘6

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Dr. Anuradha Saxena The Problem of Job Attrition : An HRD Challenge International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015

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