Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

The New Public Health in Georgia: Achievement and Challenges

Tamar Lobjanidze, Ramaz Urushadze, Nino Chikhladze, Alexander Tsiskaridze

Abstract :

 This paper aims to present transformation of public health system and overview current public health in Georgia with regard to global health from the point of view of developing a new public health concept. Consideration of  new Public Health ideology has began in 1995 after planning and implementing radical reforms in the Health System of Georgia. Shifting  from Sanitary–Epidemiological Surveillance Network to New Public Health System needed the new generation of human resources with new  competences. The paper describes the Institutional capacity in Public health Education. The country has attained the significant achievement; however public health system is still facing challenges in the frame of concept of New Public Health including the human resources.  Strengthening international cooperation in the academic field of public Health Education is necessary for ensuring high quality Education  and Research, especially on Master and PhD level.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Tamar Lobjanidze, Ramaz Urushadze, Nino Chikhladze, Alexander Tsiskaridze The New Public Health in Georgia: Achievement and Challenges International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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