Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

The Neoliberal World Order; A Cataclysm for a Fetish Corporate Hegemony

Prince. Tc

Abstract :

This essay is an earnest attempt to look over the psycho– social stress of working populace in the backdrop of corporate hegemony– unleashing tyranny of the states in connivance with corporate–houses against their people, high voltage corporate sponsored media entertainment modalities and super– imposed materialistic interests among consumers are the some of the essential elements of neoliberal market activism, which will have a direct beå on the social and psychological well being of people; and of course, of their future generations. This is therefore an approach in figuring out the new modalities of neoliberal market fundamentals with a humanitarian point of view and an attempt to put across your concern some of my observations with suggestions.

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Prince.TC The Neoliberal World Order; A Cataclysm for a Fetish Corporate Hegemony International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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