Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

The need for accessible Breast Cancer Screening Program for the Early Detection of the Cancer: An Assessment in Majmaah Region of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammed Yunus, Dr. Naseeruddin Chowdhary, Dr. Amir Khwaja, Sami Waqas

Abstract :

 Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women worldwide. Despite its relatively low incidence in Saudi Arabia, east cancer has been the most common cancer among Saudi women.4 In fact, it is the single leading cause of cancer death for women of 20 to 59 years of age5, thus posing a major public health concern. It is ranked highest amongst all the malignancies seen in Saudi women, comprising 21.8%9. It is generally of a high grade, and is locally advanced at the time of diagnosis11. The high incidence of east cancer in young Saudi women should be addressed by evaluating the roles of early detection and prevention programs6. It is now well established that early detection provides survival advantages to the women with east cancer. Mammography, which detects east cancer at earlier stages, is a major step in reducing the risk of death from this disease. It was estimated to prevent approximately 20% to 40% of all deaths from east cancer among women undergoing screening mammography12–15. The existing screening program for east cancer in Saudi Arabia includes mammograms for the women 40 years of age or older6. In our study, we have evaluated the effectiveness of the prevalent screening/diagnostic program in early detection of east cancer in the population of Majmaah. This has been a retrospective (5 years) and prospective (one year) study to enable us to assess the goals of early detection. Thereby, the reduction in the overall morbidity and mortality associated with east cancer can be achieved. Our data also affirms the need of the easily accessible population based screening program to achieve the above goal.

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Dr. Mohammed Yunus, Dr. Naseeruddin Chowdhary, Dr. Amir Khwaja, Sami Waqas The Need for Accessible Breast Cancer Screening Program for the Early Detection of the Cancer: an Assessment in Majmaah Region of Saudi Arabia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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