Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

The Morbidity Pattern Among Rag Pickers in an Urban Central City of Uttar Pradesh, India : A Cross–Sectional Study

Dr. Anish Khanna

Abstract :

Background: The most dangerous, demeaning and destructive of self worth for children is, perhaps, the job of scrap

collector or rag pickers. The nature of their work and work environment is most unhygienic.
Objective: To understand the pattern of morbidity among the rag pickers in a central city of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in urban area of Lucknow district. Both male and female subjects were included in the
study. The district was divided in four areas-north, east, west and south. From each area, two mohallas were selected for the study.
Results: About one third (36.6%) of the subjects were in the age group 10-20 years and female (57.4%) subjects were higher than males (42.6%)
and majority were illiterates (67.5%). Majority of the subjects had habit of smoking, tobacco and alcohol. Out of 265 subjects, 123(46.4%)
suffered from any one of the morbidity. The percentage of subjects suffering from any one of the disease was higher among older subjects
compared with younger subjects and this was statistically significant (p=0.001). Males (56.6%) suffered more compared with females (38.8%)
with statistical significance difference (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Besides that rag picking is one of the most dangerous and in-human activity where the rag pickers are exposed to harsh weather
conditions surrounded by stray animals and infectious solid waste that may induce them with many diseases

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Dr. Anish Khanna The Morbidity Pattern Among Rag Pickers in an Urban Central City of Uttar Pradesh, India : A Cross–Sectional Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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