Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

The Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Primary Care Physicians tward Peripartum Depression in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: 2018

Dr. Narjes Alkhater, Dr. Fatimah Alnasser, Dr. Nasser Bukhamseen, Dr. Areej M. Al Qahtani, Dr. Mohamed Ali Al Amin, Dr. Maha Eltawansy

Abstract :

 Dealing with Peripartum Depression (PPD) in primary care would improve detection and management. This cross–sectional study assessed

physicians’ knowledge, attitudes, and prac–tice regarding PPD in the Eastern Province. It was conducted on general and family physi–cians in
primary health centers in Qatif, Dammam, and Khobar in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province. Participants self–completed questionnaires
electronically. Descriptive statistics, as–sociations, and predictors of practice were determined. Most physicians were not trained in diagnosis or
treatment (76.4% and 82.4%, respectively); 76.7% answered correctly regarding PPD treatment; 64.1% regarding screening; and 52.6% regarding
diagnosis. More than half (56.3%) perceived PPD negatively and most rarely assessed PPD appropriately. Specialty and training showed statistical
significance (p = 0.040, 0.017). Knowledge, attitude, and training in PPD predicted diagnosis (p = 0.002). Thus, the participants had average PPD
knowledge and substandard practice. PPD knowledge, attitudes, and training in the management thereof predict PPD practice in primary

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Narjes Alkhater, Dr. Fatimah Alnasser, Dr. Nasser Bukhamseen, Dr. Areej M. Al-Qahtani, Dr. Mohamed Ali Al Amin, Dr. Maha Eltawansy, The Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Primary Care Physicians tward Peripartum Depression in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia: 2018, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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