Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

The Killari 1993 Intracratonic Earthquake– a Comparative Study

S. S. Patil, K. L. Karkare, I. B. Ghorade

Abstract :

An earthquake is the result of the continuous cycle of stress accumulation and strain release along the fault and seismogenic structures in the earth’s crust. The relative rarity and unpredictability in occurrence of earthquake make planning difficult, it encounters barriers in inertia, self interest and long term cost. The Killari type intraplate/intracratonic earthquake is representative of the type of infrequent, but devastating moderate magnitude that occurred in a low seismicity region on a shallow unknown fault [Shedlock and Pasikar, 1994] system.

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S.S. Patil, K.L. Karkare, I.B. Ghorade The Killari 1993 Intracratonic Earthquake- a Comparative Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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