Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

The Influence of Organizational Culture Dimensions on Knowledge Management Practices in the Banking Sector of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Omar Salem Bashehab, Dr. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya

Abstract :

A quintessential precondition and constraint for Knowledge Management is culture. Therefore, the initiative of Knowledge Management, should be sensitive to Organizational Culture. Culture changes with the change in geographical landscape. Therefore, it is very important that an organization take it into account. A current system or setting that works for an organization aoad is not necessarily one that will work for Saudi organizations. The organization that acclimatizes successfully a system that is entirely compliant with the culture of Saudi Arabia will emace the ightest and the best the culture has to offer. Knowledge Management is one of the most researched topics in India and the west. However, there are not many studies on Knowledge Management in Saudi Arabia. This research is intended to study the paradigm of Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture that is existing within the organization setting in Saudi Arabian banks

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Omar Salem Bashehab, Dr.Sanghamitra Buddhapriya The Influence of Organizational Culture Dimensions on Knowledge Management Practices in the Banking Sector of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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