Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

The Impact of Work–Life Balance on the loyalty and enthusiasm of Women Employees

Palki Setia, Dr. Pankaj Shah

Abstract :

This study borders on motivating female employees in organisations in order to widen possibilities for business

growth, high performance and organisational loyalty. It is also about the impacts of work-life balance (WLB) on
the commitment and enthusiasm of women employees. Thus, the main thrust of this paper is to articulate how WLB affects these variables:
women’s loyalty and enthusiasm in inging about better organisational performance particularly at the turn of the millennium when organisations are in a constant flux of competition and change precipitated largely by the pressures of ascendancy of women’s involvement in
work-related activities, the descent of patriarchy and above all postmodernist pressure. The realities of society have ought about serious
challenges for women employees both at home and in organisations causing them to be pressured, which is largely responsible for the nature
of enthusiasm and loyalty they ing to work. To this end, this paper will be exploring how to enhance women employees’ enthusiasm to ing
about loyalty for better organisational performance, given their perceived interests to get paid employment as precipitated by pressures of
work-life imbalance as well as postmodernist burden to be part of providing for their families.

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Palki Setia, Dr. Pankaj Shah The Impact of Work–Life Balance on the loyalty and enthusiasm of Women Employees International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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