Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Prof. Dr. J. Jasmine, Mrs. Malathy

Abstract :

To assess the effectiveness of Honey dressing Vs Betadine dressing on wound healing process among selected patients in IGGGH&PGI, Puducherry.To assess the existing status of the wound,to evaluate the effect of honey dressing and on wound healing process among selected patients,to determine the effect of betadine dressing on wound healing process among selected patients,to compare the effectiveness of honey Vs betadine dressing on wound healing process among selected patients, to find out the association between level of wound healing process after honey and betadine dressing with selected demographic variables. The research study selected for the study was quantitative approach by Simple random sampling technique was used to select the samples. The sample size was 60, in that 30 sample for group I (Honey dressing) and 30 sample for group II (Betadine ointment dressing). The major findings of the study in group I (honey dressing), the pre application mean score was 42.06 with S.D 6.19 and the post test mean score was 19.07 with S.D 3.85 and the ‘t’ value was 23.985 and in group II (betadine dressing), the pretest mean score was 38.20 with S.D 5.21 and the post–test mean score was 32.60 with S.D 6.51 and ‘t’ value was 6.125. The pretest and post–test mean difference score was 23.00 with S.D 5.25 in honey group and pretest and post– test mean difference score was 5.60 with S.D 5.01 in betadine group and ‘t’value was 13.133 .The study also emphasizes on creating public awareness regarding alternative treatment like honey dressing for wounds in order to prevent the antibiotic resistance.

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Prof.DR.J.Jasmine, Mrs.Malathy The Effectiveness of Honey Dressing Vs Betadine Dressing on Wound Healing Process International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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