Volume : II, Issue : I, January - 2013

The effect of socio–economic status on language creativity of scheduled caste students

Dr. Mrs. Vandana Punia, Ram Niwas

Abstract :

Creativity is for its role in generating innovation to address the challenges of an evolving world. Creativity in language covers a variety of texts, genre and practices, i.e. poetry, novel, play, storytelling and web chat, dialogue and debate (L. Hoover, 2011). Creative speaking and writing depends upon creative learning. Creativity is not only a property of especially skilled and gifted language users, but is pervasive in routine everyday practice. The investigator’s aim is to investigate socio economic status influence on language creativity of scheduled caste students. The current research reviewed pertinent studies in this area to provide an answer for the following questions: Are there any differences in language creativity of male and female, rural and urban students belonging to scheduled caste? Are there differences between students belonging to joint and nuclear families, SC 1 and SC 2 in creative abilities? What is the relationship between parent’s education, occupation and language creativity? Are there any differences in creative abilities of scheduled caste students from high and low income families (i.e. elaboration, flexibility, fluency and originality) etc? To find out the answer of these questions 300 Post Graduate students from four Universities of Haryana state were comprised by random sampling technique. To collect the data language creativity test by Dr S.P. Malhotra and Sucheta Kumari (1989) and personal inventory (self designed with help of supervisor) was used. Mean, SD, t-test and F-test statistical technique were applied to reach the results. In this study it was found that Male performed better than female in both flexibility and originality dimensions but in fluency and elaboration both have equal potential in language creativity. Urban students\' got high score in flexibility and rural are more creative in originality dimension but there is no effect found of residential area on fluency and elaboration dimensions of language creativity. There is positive relation was found between language creativity and type of family. This paper, therefore suggests that education programmes to enhance the creativity in scheduled caste students modified according to the needs of the disadvantaged castes to empower them.

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Dr. (Mrs.) Vandana Punia,Ram Niwas The effect of socio-economic status on language creativity of scheduled caste students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.I January 2013

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