Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

The Effect of Physical Condition Training Forms In Soccer Team Performance For The Entire Season

Ispirlidis Ioannis, Komsis Stergios, Gissis Ioannis, Gioldasis Aristotelis, Souglis Athanasios

Abstract :

One of the main directions of coaching is to investigate, evaluate and determine correlations between competitive performance and training loads. The aim of this study was to group training loads during the training process of a professional football team first division and classification of information for some key players throughout the season. This recording was made in order to study the effect of training on the development of athletic form during the annual planning. As a kind of burden was defined as general physical condition and specific physical condition. Data charges total quantity and total intensity of training were recorded and calculated using a formula, while the effect of training on the performance was evaluated by the game performance index (SWI). The data recorded by the same investigator using a specific protocol in training during 10 weeks precompetitive period and 36 weeks competitive season. The winning performance was evaluated by a special process observation official match (league, cup, and friendly) and involved the recording technical-tactical elements through video analysis by two observers. To determine the performance was taken into account the parameters, the two observers had a high degree of agreement. The value of these parameters determined by qualified coaches. Multivariate analysis of variance for dependent samples was used to analyze the data in order to assess whether the training time was dedicated to any kind of training was statistically significant between period of high performance competition and those with poor competition performance. For the types of training, significant differences were found between the different period. In particular, we found that increasing the time of general fitness during the season accompanied with reduced competition performance while reducing the time of general fitness go together with high performance. The same profile presented in the special fitness growth was accompanied with low competition performance while reducing caused an increase in performance during the season.

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Ispirlidis Ioannis, Komsis Stergios, Gissis Ioannis, Gioldasis Aristotelis, Souglis Athanasios The Effect of Physical Condition Training Forms In Soccer Team Performance For The Entire Season International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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