Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

The Effect of Microbial Biomass in Soil on Adsorption of Radio Cesium

Syed Abbas Hosseini

Abstract :

The purpose of this paper was to determine the effect of microbial biomass in sorption and migration of radio cesium in soil by batch experiments. The conceptual approach to elucidating the micro organisms was the measurement of radio cesium adsorption in clay soil after soil samples had been held under conditions which were known to alter the amount and/or the activity of microbial biomass. The number of microorganisms in clay soil were reduced by biocidal treatment or increased by addition of nutrient sources. 137Cs++ adsorption by pretreatment soil was measured, relative to untreated soil samples, in aqueous suspensions containing 10–8 mole per liter cesium by estimating the radio cesium after eight days of incubation. A reduction of biomass drastically decreased adsorption. When the concentration of radio cesium in the suspension was increased, there was a closing correlation between soil biomass and adsorption. Radio cesium sorption might be affected by activity and survival of microorganisms. Adsorption was lowered clearly by anaerobic conditions during the incubation period of eight days. However, radio cesium migration in water saturated soil columns was influenced by quantity of available microorganism due to anaerobic conditions in the system according to relationship between radio cesium adsorption and biomass microorganisms.

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Syed Abbas Hosseini The Effect of Microbial Biomass in Soil on Adsorption of Radio Cesium International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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