Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

The Effect of Global Brands on The Culture of the Indian Urban Consumer

Ms. Neha Patel

Abstract :

The last twenty years has seen a plethora of global ands making a foray into India. India’s burgeoning population has caught the eye of all global ands. India’s urban class has witnessed the biggest revolution. With the presence of global ands, the urban Indian has for the first time got choices. Electronic media and technology has exposed the consumer to the western lifestyle. The global advertisements have made the consumer indulgent. The easy accessibility of ands, the affordability and promotions has ought about change in the purchasing and consuming patterns of the urban India. The traditional old Indian has undergone a metamorphosis. From being a simple, tight fisted, family oriented, society feå, risk adverse person, he is showing new colours of indulgence, materialism, individualism and confidence. It is important to understand the changes that have resulted because of the presence of these ands on the urban consumer’s culture. Has exposure to global ands changes some rituals, beliefs, customs, traditions, food habits? An attempt has been made to understand the cultural changes in urban India due to the presence of global ands.

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Ms. Neha Patel The Effect of Global Brands on The Culture of the Indian Urban Consumer International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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