Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

The Distribution Of ABO and RH (D) Blood Groups in Local Residents of Ahmedabad

Dr. Hina S Mod, Dr. Ashok Solanki

Abstract :

Introduction: Landsteiner’s discover in 1901 of the existence of blood groups, ABO and Rh system have very great significance in blood transfusion. Before blood transfusion one should know blood group. Blood groups also associated with tissue grafts, haemolytic diseases of new born and certain other diseases like peptic ulcer, diabetes and malignancy. Material and method: The present study was done on 400 subjects attending blood bank of L.G General Hospital and also First M.B.B.S. students of AMC met medical college, Ahmedabad for blood typing. The test was performed using rapid slide test technique for blood groups. All the subject underwent a through general physical examination to rule out the presence of various diseases like blood pressure, anaemia, diabetes, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, thalassaemia and carcinoma. Result: Frequency distribution of ABO Blood Groups Statically analysis of the data revealed that most predominant blood group in the subject of present study was B showing a frequency of 36.5%, followed by O group with frequency of 30.5% and than A group with frequency 21%. The AB group was infrequent only with a frequency of 12%.  Rh System – Out of 400 subjects 357(89.2%) were Rh+ve while 43 (10.7%) were Rh–ve.  

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DR. HINA S MOD, DR. ASHOK SOLANKI The Distribution Of ABO and RH (D) Blood Groups in Local Residents of Ahmedabad International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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