Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

The Correlation between biochemical marker and radiological severity scale in acute pancreatitis

Nidhi Sehgal, Sulekha Sinha, Kishore Mandal, Sunanda Mazumdar

Abstract :

 Acute pancreatitis is a common disorder with multiple etiology. Patients with acute pancreatitis showing positive findings on CT scan were included in the study. Any other disease of pancreas was excluded. The radiological grading (modified CT severity index) was recorded for all the patients with acute pancreatitis. The serum lipase levels were recorded for patients with acute pancreatitis mentioned above. Among 38 selected cases of acute pancreatitis 27 were male and 11 female. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient between modified CT severity score and serum lipase levels was done and found positive with r value 0.307. This correlation is statistically significant with p value < 0.05. The radiological finding along with biochemical parameters may help in diagnosing as well as finding the severity of acute pancreatitis. This will help in proper and early treatment aspects.

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Nidhi Sehgal, Sulekha Sinha, Kishore Mandal, Sunanda Mazumdar, The Correlation between biochemical marker and radiological severity scale in acute pancreatitis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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