Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr Sanjay Sharma

Abstract :

 Hair give beauty to the human body, nowadays, hair loss or thinning, and hypertrichosis or hirsutism are common complaints in clinical dermatology, some persons are completely bald or overall haired. And also sometimes there are changes in hair structure or color and hair greying. The reason for hair loss can be many such as stress, hereditary reasons, hormonal changes, use of harsh chemicals, junk food, harsh weather conditions, sleep disorders, medications, and malnutrition. Proper care must be taken for hair fall in the earlier stages because if once the follicles have closed and the hair has fallen out nothing much can be done

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Dr Sanjay Sharma The Chemistry of Baldness International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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