Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Temporomandibular dysfunction: A great mimic for a multitude of craniocervical dysfunction, a case series.

Dr. Sushil Singh Loitongbam, Dr. A. K. Joy

Abstract :

 Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a frequently undiagnosed condition but is the cause of a large number of headaches which have been erroneously treated as tension type headache, migraine, or any other type of headache. There have been studies which showed disappearance of headache, which were otherwise treated as migraine, by the management of the TM joint dysfunction. The present case series discussed the result of twelve patients who were managed for various diagnoses migraine, for a long duration, only to be relieved by interventions to the TM joints and the tender and trigger points as well as musculoskeletal manipulations.

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Dr. Sushil Singh Loitongbam, Dr. A.K. Joy Temporomandibular dysfunction: A great mimic for a multitude of craniocervical dysfunction, a case series. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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