Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Temperature dependence of optical band gap and thickness of ZnS thin films by spray pyrolysis

Y. D. Tembhurkar

Abstract :

 The ZnS thin films were prepared by spray pyrolysis method. The spray pyrolysis is one of the most convenient, inexpensive and simple method for depositing semiconducting thin film. The thin film was deposited on plane Biological glass plate varying substrate temperature from 2500C to 3250C at the interval of 250C. The optimized deposition temperature is around 3000C. Thicknesses of the sample were calculated by Michelson interferometer. The optical absorption study reveals that ZnS is direct allowed transition of band gap energy is 3.02 eV matching with single crystal. Band energy decreases as temperature increases upto 300oC. Further increase temperature band gap energy increased. Reverse effect was observed in thickness as temperature increases.

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Y. D. Tembhurkar Temperature dependence of optical band gap and thickness of ZnS thin films by spray pyrolysis International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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