Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014


R. Gloria, Dr. A. Edward William Benjamin

Abstract :

Teacher Education is to learn to teach and teach to learn. Recent evidence indicates that reforms of teacher education creating more tightly integrated programs with coursework on learning and teaching produce more effective and more likely to enter and stay in teaching. An important contribution of teacher education is its development of teacher’s abilities to examine teaching from the perspective of learners who ing diverse experiences and frames of reference to the classroom. It is important to recognize that, Teacher Educators and Training Graduates are becoming more knowledgeable of Information and Communication Technology outcomes (ICTs), they continue to have knowledge or skill with which to integrate those technologies into their teaching practice. This paper discusses and outlined the importance of developing Techno-pedagogical skills in Teacher Education.

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R. GLORIA, Dr. A. EDWARD WILLIAM BENJAMIN Techno-Pedagogical Skills in Teacher Education International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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