Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

TDz Induced Multiple Shoot Regeneration and in Vitro Flowering From Nodal Explant in Withania Somnifera (L.)

Nishesh Sharma, Manjul Dhiman, Eapen P Koshy

Abstract :

Withania somnifera better known as Ashwagandha or Indian Ginseng is one of the most privileged medicinal plant of India. The plant is utilized in treatment of various ailments and diseases. Due to excessive harvesting of the plant from natural habitat to fulfill demand of pharmaceuticals and considerably poor germination rate has collaboratively rendered the plant endangered. Hence in vitro micropropagation studies become essential for mass propagation and conservation of the plant. The present report describes the role of TDZ in induction of multiple shoots from nodal segment culture of W. somnifera. Lower concentration of TDZ (2-5µm) induced direct shoot bud regeneration however, higher concentration (8-20µm) initiated callusing followed by shoot bud regeneration. Shoot bud elongated onto MS basal medium. In the same study TDZ also induced in vitro flowering from nodal segment cultures.

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Nishesh Sharma, Manjul Dhiman, Eapen P Koshy TDz Induced Multiple Shoot Regeneration and in Vitro Flowering From Nodal Explant in Withania Somnifera (L.) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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