Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Talukawise Analysis of Main Working Population in Karnataka

G. N. Kummur

Abstract :

 The total working population of Karnataka can be divided into main workers and marginal workers to understand the role of working population. During 1991 census the total population of Karnataka was 4,49,77,201, of which the total workers were 1,88,86,798, which was 41.99% of the total population. The total population of Karnataka during 2001 census was 5,28,50,562, of which the total workers were 2,35,34,791 which was 44.53%. During 1991 census, Karnataka state had 1,72,92,117 main working population (91.55% to the total working population). During 2001 census, Karnataka state had 1,92,64,759 main working population which was 82.28% of the total working population.

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G.N. Kummur Talukawise Analysis of Main Working Population in Karnataka International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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