Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015
Synthesis of Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10+ superconductors with partial substitution of Tl by Hg
Maysoon F. Alias, Amal. K. Jassim
Abstract :
Bulk polycrystalline samples of high temperature superconductor of the type 2223 have been prepared by a two– step solid state reaction method. Substituting Hg with x=0.4 for Tl2–xHgx Ba2 Ca2 Cu3 O10+δ give the best values of Tc =133K. The x–ray data of all the superconducting samples showed a tetragonal structure with a high ratio of Tl–2223 superconducting phase.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Maysoon F. Alias, Amal.K.Jassim Synthesis of Tl2
superconductors with partial substitution
of Tl by Hg International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015
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Maysoon F. Alias, Amal.K.Jassim Synthesis of Tl2 Ba2 Ca2 Cu3 O10+? superconductors with partial substitution of Tl by Hg International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015
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