Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Synthesis, DNA Binding and Activity of Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complexes with Sulfur Containing Ligand: 1–Hydroxy–2– Acetonaphthonetosylhydrazone

S. Vasantha, D. Arputha Kiruba Nisha, S. Siva Kolunthu, T. Angeline

Abstract :

Four new mixed ligand copper(II) complexes of the composition, [Cu(ohtant)(phen)Cl] (1) [Cu(ohtant) (bpy)Cl] (2)[Cu(ohtant)(phen)]ClO4 (3) [Cu(ohtant)(bpy)]ClO4 (4) (where ohtant = 1-hydroxy-2-acetonaphthonetosylhydrazone, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline and bpy = 2,2’-bipyridine) have been synthesized. These complexes are characterized on the basis of molar conductance, IR and UV spectral studies. The DNA cleavage activity of all the copper(II) complexes was carried out on double-stranded supercoiled pUC19 DNA by using gel electrophoresis experiment in the presence of ascorbic acid as a reducing agent. The binding of CT-DNA with copper(II) complexes was investigated by electronic absorption spectroscopy. The binding constant value of 4.9x105 M-1 for complex (1) with CT-DNA suggests good intercalative binding mode of the complex. The results confirm that the mixed ligand complexes 2,3 and 4 showed good nuclease activity

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S. Vasantha, D. Arputha Kiruba Nisha, S. Siva Kolunthu, T. Angeline Synthesis, DNA Binding and Activity of Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complexes with Sulfur Containing Ligand: 1-Hydroxy-2-Acetonaphthonetosylhydrazone International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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