Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Synthesis and Characterization of Different Amides Via Biginelli

Rohinee R. Dharamkar, Dr. Y. K. Meshram, Roshani R. Dharamkar

Abstract :

 P. Biginelli in 1893 reported the synthesis of functionalized 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones (DHMPs)  via three component condensation reaction of an aromatic aldehyde, urea and the ethyl acetoacetate. The yields  of the dihydropyrimidinones obtained via this novel protocol are significantly higher than those utilizing the conventional ethanol /  HCl method. A simple and economic synthesis of 3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones by using phosphorus pentaoxide. The phosphorus  pentaoxide can be converted into the phosphoric acid. The phosphorus pentaoxide has been found to be mild and efficient reagent for  the synthesis of dihydropyrimidinones and its corresponding thioanalogs in refluxing ethanol. These are become popular in the world  of synthetic organic chemistry due to their activities such as antibacterial, anti–viral, anti–inflametory. A series of the new 5–amido4(phenyl)–6–methyl,3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones have been synthesized by using the 5–ethoxycarbonyl–4(phenyl)–6–methyl,3,4–dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–ones and the excess amount of the ammonia. The different compounds of this series can be synthesized by using  one–pot multicomponent synthesis. The newly synthesized different amide derivatives of the 3,4, dihydropyrimidin–2(1H)–one were  well monitor by using TLC plates. And these synthesized compounds were well characterized by 1H–NMR spectral studies. The results  of such compound have been discussed in this paper. In the conclusion, we have developed a simple, quick a one pot multicomponent  synthesis and characterization of different amide via Biginelli.

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Rohinee R. Dharamkar, Dr. Y. K. Meshram, Roshani R. Dharamkar Synthesis and Characterization of Different Amides Via Biginelli International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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