Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Citric Acid Based Polyester Elastomers From Sunflower Oil

G . S . Prabha Littis Malar, S . Begila David

Abstract :

Novel Biodegradable Polyesters are emerging and promising biomaterials for tissue scaffolding, drug delivery, biomedical and implant coatings. In this work, polyesters were obtained by thermal poly condensation technique on the effect of sunflower oil–based polyols with non–toxic monomers such as citric acid, 1,6–hexanediol, 1,3–propanediol without addition of catalyst. The prepared epoxy resin, polyol were characterized using FT–IR and 1H–NMR. Newly synthesized co–polyesters were characterized by FT–IR, swelling and solubility studies, TG–DTA, SEM analysis and mechanical analysis. These polyesters exhibit excellent properties that can be tuned by the choice of monomers.

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G . S . Prabha Littis Malar, S . Begila David Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Citric Acid Based Polyester Elastomers From Sunflower Oil International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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