Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Symbolism in Toru Dutts the Lotus and the Tree Of Life

Dr. G. Chenna Reddy

Abstract :

One of the earliest writers in Indian Writing in English is Toru Dutt. As a young girl Toru developed a passionate love for nature.The Sonnet the The Lotus is interesting in the symbolic representation of flowers. The rose is projected as one that has been often used by poets as a powerful symbol. The lily is projected as a symbol of stateliness and majesty. The Tree of Life was four and half months before her passing away. The poem is excellent specimen of Tou Dutt’s fully developed poetic style with it’s vivid evocation of the scene and expression that is impressive with a diction flawless and well chosen in the lines. And there is a transition in the poem from illiant lyric depiction of images of nature and its grandeur to a spirit of holy pity and love divine

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Dr. G.Chenna Reddy Symbolism in Toru Dutt�s the Lotus and the Tree Of Life International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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